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Harvard Method of Negotiation and Mediation master class

Dumler and Partners organised an interactive master class at the Law Faculty at St. Petersburg State University. Many practicing lawyers and businesspeople attended the event.
Negotiating an agreement without giving in is a hallmark of the Harvard School, one of the world’s leading schools for negotiators.
The master class was conducted by:
Mr. Arthur Martirosyan, one of the most successful and brilliant representatives of the Harvard School. He worked for a long time with Professor Roger Fisher, founder of the Harvard Negotiation Project and co-author of the bestseller “Getting to Yes.” Mr. Martirosyan was involved in negotiations on a number of the most complex ethnic and political conflicts in the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, and the Balkans. Mr. Martirosyan has also advised such global companies as Boeing, CISCO, Kraft Foods, and Rosneft on dispute resolution in varied fields of business and law.
Mr. Hayk Hovhannisyan, attorney, PhD in Law, accredited mediator at the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (London) and managing partner of HAP law firm (Armenia).
Dumler and Partners Managing partner Victor Dumler moderated the master class and shared his practice experience of mediation in cross-border business disputes.